Just in time for your holidays, we have baked a new version of MonoMac. As usual, installation is very easy, just follow these steps.
As for some stats: 224 developers downloaded the MonoMac 0.4 add-in for MonoDevelop in the previous release, not bad at all!

These are the changes since MonoMac 0.4
- API Documentation!
- Built on JPobst's new documentation engine
- There are mostly automatically generated stubs now
- New in CoreAnimation:
- Layout managers
- Constrained layout manager
- CATextLayer can now set its font with the WeakFont property, or the SetFont () strong types.
- CoreGraphics:
- CGAffineTransform.Invert () method to obtain the inverse of an affine transformation
- Foundation
- NSObject.FromObject method automatically boxes .NET types into NSValue, NSString or NSNumber objects.
- Convenience function to create NSArrays from object [] arrays and using the new NSObject boxing functionality.
- New NSIndexSet convenience factory method and ToArray method
- NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary have convenience methods that take object [] arrays, and do the boxing automatically (using the new NSArray functionality described above)
- AppKit:
- DoubleClick event on views that have support for double click actions (instead of using the DoubleAction selector + Target)
- NSTableView has a new Source property that can be used to blend both Delegate and the table view data source into one (NSTableViewSource which combines NSTableViewDataSource and NSTableViewDelegate)
- New: NSPredicate family of classes
- New: NSRuleEditor
- AddressBook library:
- We used to ship the source, but now it is included in the binary library.
- CoreImage:
- New in this release.
- WebKit:
- Many events that were previously only exposed as Objective-C style delegates are now proper C# events.
- Engine:
- Improved methods with return structures
- Improved string [] marshalling
- Now with INativeObject marshalling
We have also updated the samples and added a few more.