Chema Celorio, we will miss you

by Miguel de Icaza

Chema Celorio, a good friend for the past four years died yesterday on a skydiving accident in Mexico City.

The Gnome folks might remember Chema for taking over gEdit, the Gnome Printing platform and later on managing the Ximian team in Mexico and the Ximian Desktop effort. He was became famous for being the #1 bug reporter to Gnumeric, and a close friend to everyone that met him.

He helped bring newbies by fueling the Gnome-Love project, a project, where developers would be hand-hold, and no question was too simple to be asked.

Chema was passionate about skydiving, technology and free software. He was preparing for a mexican record of skydiving in the upcoming weeks. We had dinner frequently when he was in town, and he would always ask the right questions, and make us laugh all.

Just two weeks ago Maria and I had him for dinner at home, and we taught him to cook crepes. We will miss him.

There is a skydiver's forum: in Mexico.

Chema was thinking about moving to Europe.

I have a few pictures I took from Chema, from Barcelona in September: here, here, here, here, here and here.

Nat has a picture of Chema last year at the Cave.

Nat comments

Posted on 10 Nov 2003