New MonoDevelop release

by Miguel de Icaza

Lluis has released a new version of MonoDevelop, there are plenty of new features in this release. The release notes are here.

  • A Welcome Page: a starting point for your ongoing projects.
  • New component-based architecture for the IDE. For details see the Architecture Overview.
  • New Add-In manager to install, update and remove plugins for the MonoDevelop IDE.
  • A command-line build tool, so you can integrate MonoDevelop projects into your batch compilation process.
  • Smartindent for C# and Boo languages.

This release is the results of many months of work where he rearchitected MonoDevelop to be a modular IDE.

The core of MonoDevelop basically offers a framework for plugins and third-party components. The framework includes a system to install, upgrade or remove plugins and little more. For instance it does not have any notion of projects.

All the functionality of the IDE has been moved into its own modules that are layered on top of it.

The new Welcome Page.

Posted on 24 Nov 2005