Moonlight 2 Preview 3

by Miguel de Icaza

Another week of excellent work on the Moonlight universe and we bring you our Preview 3 release of Moonlight. Alan McGovern said it best though.

This week stats:

This is what the Silverlight Toolkit Sample page looked with Preview 2:

Moonlight 2 Preview 2

This is what the Silverlight Toolkit page looks with Preview 3:

Moonlight 2 Preview 3

You should be able to update directly from Firefox, or if you are trying it for the first time, go to our page.

Now, although Preview 2 was able to run the IronPython mini-Web IDE I am still going to try to pass that as a new feature.

And now you can try the IronPython mini-Web IDE!

Posted on 18 May 2009