Google Summer of Code 2007: Mono Project

by Miguel de Icaza

The Google Summer of Code has begun!

A grand total of 24 students were accepted this year to work on various projects related to Mono. The list of students and projects accepted is available here.

For those interested in tracking the progress of the 24 projects over the summer, we have created a group for the students and mentors here.

Guidelines for students have been posted in the reference page.

And we have also created a Google Code Hosting site for all students to upload their code. If you want to track the actual source code development, the group is at

Update: fixed the links.

The list of accepted projects are:

by Ivan Zlatev, mentored by Miguel de Icaza
by David Srbecký, mentored by Martin Baulig
by Brian Nickel, mentored by Marek Habersack
by Hector Enrique Gomez Morales, mentored by Mike Kestner
by Jeff Tickle, mentored by Mike Kestner
by Lukasz Knop, mentored by Sebastien Pouliot
by Christopher J Parnin, mentored by Sebastien Pouliot
by Jesse Tov, mentored by Raja R Harinath
by Ben Motmans, mentored by Miguel de Icaza
by Marcos Cobeña Morián, mentored by Atsushi Enomoto
by Laurent Debacker, mentored by Mike Kestner
by George Giolfan, mentored by Miguel de Icaza
by Gernot Margreitner, mentored by Alan McGovern
by Jared Hendry, mentored by Alan McGovern
by Leonardo Pires, mentored by Marek Habersack
by Néstor Salceda, mentored by Sebastien Pouliot
by Artur Dwornik, mentored by Raja R Harinath
by Marcos David Marin Amador, mentored by Michael James Hutchinson
by Kenneth Parnell, mentored by Atsushi Enomoto
by Scott Peterson, mentored by Aaron Bockover
by Matej Spiller-Muys, mentored by Atsushi Enomoto
by Andrew Pendleton, mentored by Miguel de Icaza
by Nidhi Rawal, mentored by Sebastien Pouliot
by Khaled Mohammed, mentored by Massimiliano Mantione

Posted on 12 Apr 2007