Aaron Fulkerson and his team
at Mindtouch have done
it again. This time they landed the Washington Post
new http://whorunsgov.com
WhoRunsGov.com provides a unique look at the world of Washington through its key players and personalities. The site features concise profiles of influential political officials who shape government policy, including members of the new presidential administration, Pentagon officials, lawmakers, senior congressional aides and committee staff. The first several hundred profiles are being crafted by a newly created editorial team at the Washington Post Company, as well as a group of experienced outside contributors. Each profile provides in-depth information on an official’s policy experience, involvement in government decision-making, major policy positions, key associates, political affiliations, voting records, campaign and personal finance information, plus relevant news articles from around the Web.
Their Deki project has gone from the cutest Wiki system to a full collaboration platform.
Their press release has the details.
And as my readers have come to expect, yes, this is also built on top of Mono. Deki is not built with ASP.NET --Microsoft's web platform-- instead the engine is built on top of Mindtouch's Dream framework and the presentation layer is built on top of PHP.
Congraulations to Mindtouch on this important launch!
Posted on 23 Jan 2009