Git# - First Public Release

by Miguel de Icaza

Meinrad Recheis has lead the effort to bring a full managed GIT implementation to the .NET and Mono worlds and he just announced the release of GitSharp 0.1.3, the first public release of Git#.

The code is based on the original work from Kevin Thompson who ported the JGit Eclipse plugin to C#. Meinrad has put together a great community of contributors that integrated every JGit improvement, the credits for the first release are as follows:

  • Dave Cameron: for fixing bugs
  • Björn Carlson: for killing bugs that crept into the core
  • caytchen: for porting huge parts of the transport layer, and hunting down nasty bugs. btw, what's your real name?
  • Emeric Fermas: for eliminating some of the hardest to find bugs and for verifying the complete test suite against jgit
  • Martinho Fernandes: for fixing bugs
  • Andriano Machado: for porting massive amounts of code and tests, also fixing many bugs
  • Jim Radford: for the continuous integration server account and the support
  • Gil Ran: for porting and fixing lots of tests and initial efforts on Mono
  • Dan Rigby: for porting and fixing tests
  • rolenun: for the command line interface framework. hey, what is your real name?
  • Mauricio Scheffer: for the testing and build server expertise and CI server trouble shooting
  • Neil Stalker: for holding up the flag for git# on Mono compatibility and squashing bugs
  • Kevin Thompson: for initially porting large amounts of code and letting me rise the baby

An easy to use API is being developed on top of the GIT core, check out some of the examples.

Posted on 12 Oct 2009