by Miguel de Icaza


To celebrate that RealityKit's is coming to MacOS, iOS and iPadOS and is no longer limited to VisionOS, I am releasing SwiftNavigation for RealityKit.

Last year, as I was building a game for VisionPro, I wanted the 3D characters I placed in the world to navigate the world, go from one point to another, avoid obstacles and have those 3D characters avoid each other.

Almost every game engine in the world uses the C++ library RecastNavigation library to do this - Unity, Unreal and Godot all use it.

SwiftNavigation was born: Both a Swift wrapper to the underlying C++ library which leverages extensively Swift's C++ interoperability capabilities and it directly integrates into the RealityKit entity system.

This library is magical, you create a navigation mesh from the world that you capture and then you can query it for paths to navigate from one point to another or you can create a crowd controller that will automatically move your objects.

Until I have the time to write full tutorials, your best bet is to look at the example project that uses it.

Posted on 11 Jun 2024