
Recently one of our customers asked about how to implement a conversation display similar to the iOS SMS/Messages display. You can find the BubbleCell sample in our Github repository.

This is what the conversation looks like:

To implement this, I used iOS's UITableView as it already provides a lot of the functionality that we need for this. What I did was to write a custom UITableViewCell that can render bubbles with their text.

I wrote both a MonoTouch.Dialog Element that you can host in your DialogViewController as well as a custom UITableCellView which can be reused by those using UITableViews directly.

This is how you could populate the initial discussion inside MonoTouch.Dialog:

Section chat;
var root = new RootElement ("Chat Sample") {
  (chat = new Section () {
    new ChatBubble (true, "This is the text on the left, what I find fascinating about this is how many lines can fit!"),
    new ChatBubble (false, "This is some text on the right"),
    new ChatBubble (true, "Wow, you are very intense!"),
    new ChatBubble (false, "oops"),
    new ChatBubble (true, "yes"),

And this is how you would add a new element to the conversation:

chat.Section.Add (
  new ChatBubble (false, "I want more cat facts"));


Bubble rendering is implemented in Bubble.cs and contains both the UITableViewCell as well as the element. It follows the pattern for creating UITableViewCells that I documented before.

Each cell is made up of two views: one contains a UIImageView that paints the bubble and the other one contains the text to render inside the bubble.

This is what the two bubbles images look like:

We load these using UIImage.FromFile and then use the iOS 5.0 UIImage.CreateResizableImage method to create a UIImage that can be stretched on demand. To create the resizable image we need to tell CreateResizableImage the region of the image that can be stretched. Anything outside of the UIEdgeInset will be kept as-is:

left = bleft.CreateResizableImage (new UIEdgeInsets (10, 16, 18, 26));
right = bright.CreateResizableImage (new UIEdgeInsets (11, 11, 17, 18));

This will stretch the region highlighted in red, while rendering the external border as-is:

With the above code, the image will be rendered in a variety ways depending on the Frame that is assigned to the UIImageView that hosts our resizable UIImage:

The only remaining interesting bit in the code is to configure our UILabel properly. We want to set its BackgroundColor to UIColor.Clear to avoid painting the background in a solid color and we also specify that the text should be word-wrapped if it does not fit in a single line:

label = new UILabel (rect) {
  LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap,
  Lines = 0,
  Font = font,
  BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear

Finally in our LayoutSubViews method we must compute the proper sizes for the bubbles and the text that goes in them. I made it so the bubbles did not take the entire space in a row. Instead they take 70% of the row to give a similar effect to the rendering of the iOS messages UI. The code is pretty straight-forward:

public override void LayoutSubviews ()
  base.LayoutSubviews ();
  var frame = ContentView.Frame;
  var size = GetSizeForText (this, label.Text) + BubblePadding;
  imageView.Frame = new RectangleF (new PointF (isLeft ? 10 : frame.Width-size.Width-10, frame.Y), size);
  view.SetNeedsDisplay ();
  frame = imageView.Frame;
  label.Frame = new RectangleF (new PointF (frame.X + (isLeft ? 12 : 8), frame.Y + 6), size-BubblePadding);
Posted on 30 Jan 2012 by Miguel de Icaza

Styling your controls in MonoTouch on iOS 5

Starting with iOS 5 it is possible to more easily style your UIViews. Apple did this by exposing a new set of properties on most views that can be tuned. For example, to configure the TintColor of a UISlider, you would write:

var mySlider = new UISlider (rect);
mySlider.ThumbTintColor = UIColor.Red;

You can also set the color globally for all instances of UISlider, you do this by assigning the styling attributes on the special property "Appearance" from the class you want to style.

The following example shows how to set the Tint color for all UISliders:

	UISlider.Appearance.ThumbTintColor = UIColor.Red;

It is of course possible to set this on a per-view way,

The first time that you access the "Appearance" static property on a stylable class a UIAppearance proxy will be created to host the style changes that you have requested and will apply to your views.

In Objective-C the Appearance property is untyped. With MonoTouch we took a different approach, we created a strongly typed UIXxxxAppearance class for each class that supports styling. Our generated UIXxxxxAppearance class is strongly typed, which allows users to use intellisense to easily discover which properties are avaialble for styling.

We also created a hierarchy that reflects the inherited appearance properties, this is the class hierarchy for the UISLider.UISliderAppearance class:

The properties exposed by UISlider for example are:

public class UISliderAppearance {
	public virtual UIColor BackgroundColor {
	public virtual UIColor MaximumTrackTintColor {
	public virtual UIColor MinimumTrackTintColor {
	public virtual UIColor ThumbTintColor {

MonoTouch also introduced support for styling your controls only when they are hosted in a particular part of the hierarchy. You do this by calling the static method AppearanceWhenContainedIn which takes a variable list of types, it works like this:

var style = UISlider.AppearanceWhenContainedIn (typeof (SalesPane), typeof (ProductDetail));
style.ThumbTintColor = UIColor.Red;

In the above sample the style for the ThumbTintColor will be red, but only for the UISliders contained in ProductDetail view controllers when those view controllers are being hosted by a SalesPane view controller. Other UISliders will not be affected.

Both the Appearance static property and the AppearanceWhenContainedIn static method have been surfaced on every UIView that supports configuring its style. Both of them return strongly typed classes that derive from UIAppearance and expose the exact set of properties that can be set.

This is different from the weakly typed Objective-C API which makes it hard to discover what can be styled.

Posted on 14 Oct 2011 by Miguel de Icaza

MonoTouch 5.0 is out

Yesterday we released MonoTouch 5.0, the companion to Apple's iOS 5.0 release.

Apple tends to ship Objective-C APIs that are configured through an NSDictionary instance containing configuration keys. With MonoTouch 5.0, we continued our work to improve over NSDictionary-based bindings by creating strongly-typed versions of those APIs.

In the next couple of days, I will be sharing some of the new features in iOS 5.0 and how to take advantage of those using C#.

Meanwhile, our documentation team has produced an amazing Introduction to iOS 5.0 for C# developers and put together some samples showing how to use some of the new features in iOS 5:

  • Storyboard: shows how to use Storyboards from C# and showcases the integration between Xcode 4 and MonoDevelop 2.8
  • CoreImage: shows our bubilicious strongly-typed API for CIFilters, it is in my opinion, a huge usability upgrade over the NSDictionary-based approach.
  • iCloud: Basic iCloud use.
  • Twitter: Post new tweets and query twitter for data.
  • Newsstand: A complete sample showing how you can integrate with the new Newsstand APIs to publish your own periodicals. We wont be submitting this sample for the Apple Design Awards, but it shows how to use the framework.
Posted on 13 Oct 2011 by Miguel de Icaza

TestFlight support in MonoDevelop

We have just released for TestFlight support in MonoDevelop.

This makes it simpler for developers to deploy their Ad-Hoc builds directly to Testflight, we added a "Publish to TestFlight" option:

The first time you upload to TestFlight you must provide your authentication tokens:

And after that, the IDE takes care of the rest:

This is built on top of our enhanced IPA Packaging support in the same release.

Posted on 29 Sep 2011 by Miguel de Icaza

Sales Force app built with MonoTouch

I do not blog very often about apps built with MonoTouch, but this application is drop-dead gorgeous.

It is a tool designed to be used by the sales force of a company.

You can download the app from the Apple AppStore and try it on "demo" mode. What I love about this application is how they took advantage of UIKit and CoreAnimation to create a beautiful enterprise app. It does not stop there, they use everything iOS has to offer:

Enterprise software has a reputation for being hostile to end-users. This shows that you can create great end-user software for users in the enterprise. If you were looking for inspiration for your own enterprise apps, this is the app to look for.

Posted on 12 Aug 2011 by Miguel de Icaza

MonoMac add-in for MonoDevelop

After a small hiatus we are back.

If you have been using MonoMac to build MacOS applications, we have just released an update to the MonoDevelop.MonoMac add-in that should fix the problem with packaging your applications on Lion.

This update just contains a critical fix and delivers the add-in to all three MonoDevelop platforms in use today: our stable MonoDevelop 2.4, the 2.6beta3 and for the fearless among you MonoDevelop/master.

This was just the first step in maintaining the add-in. I had to sort out the build setup for all three branches and the pipeline to deliver the updates. Now that I got things in place, I will be able to fix some of the other problems that have been reported.

If you are running into problems with MonoMac, please file your bugs at the new home for the Mono bug reports at http://bugzilla.xamarin.com.

Posted on 03 Aug 2011 by Miguel de Icaza

Glass button for iPhone

Since iOS does not provide a default glossy button implementation I wrote my own, based mostly on looking at a screenshot of Apple's own.

Some folks have been using the UIGlassButton generator, but I have wanted for a while to have this functionality avaialble at runtime, and not depend on pre-generated images, these are created at runtime, and behave just like a regular button:

You can find my implementation as part of MonoTouch.Dialog on github.

This is how you would use it, and how you can customize some of its elements:

	var b = new GlassButton (bounds) {
		Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize (22),
		NormalColor = UIColor.Green,
		HighlightedColor = UIColor.Red
	b.SetTitle ("Dismiss", UIControlState.Normal);

	container.AddSubview (b);
Posted on 08 Apr 2011 by Miguel de Icaza

MonoTouch 4.0

We just released MonoTouch 4.0, a product to build iOS applications using C# and .NET. We also released our new Mono for Android product.

New in MonoTouch 4.0

MonoTouch 4.0 is a major upgrade to our product as it upgrades the Mono runtime engine from the old, trusted and friendly Mono 2.6 to the latest and greatest Mono 2.10 core, these are some of the new features available as part of this upgrade:

  • Parallel Frameworks for C#: Great APIs for building multi-threaded software. Not only this is great for iPad 2 users and developers, but it also simplifies just plain multi-threaded programming by exposing Futures, Tasks and Parallel LINQ to the developer.
  • LLVM Compiler Support: In addition to the fast Mono compilation engine, MonoTouch can now also use LLVM to create optimized builds. When you build MonoTouch applications using LLVM your executables will run faster, they will be smaller, and you can optionally opt into generating the nimbler ARMv7 or Thumb code (fat binaries are also supported).

    Example: My own TweetStation distribution went from 8 megs to 6 megs using Thumb + ARMv7 support. A very significant gain.

  • C# 4.0 and .NET 4.0: This release comes with the latest incarnation of the C# language as well as exposing the new .NET 4.0 APIs (many new functional constructs make for nicer looking code, like all the IEnumerable enabled-methods in System.IO).

    There is one important limitation: C# 4.0 dynamic support is not functional, since it requires dynamic code generation to work.

  • Upgraded WCF stack: We still consider this a preview of the full WCF but has been expanded significantly.
  • All new iOS 4.3 APIs have been exposed.
  • NSDecimal, NSDecimalNumber are now exposed (mostly for the sake of CorePlot :-)
  • Many new convenience APIs have been introduced.

For a full detailed list of changes, see our MonoTouch 4.0 Release Notes.


The best source of information on parallel programming with Parallel FX is the free Patterns for Parallel Programming: Understanding and Applying Parallel Patterns with the .NET Framework 4.

This is a brilliant document. Whether you use .NET or not, this is a recommended reading for everyone.

In addition to the Programming iPhone with MonoTouch book there are two new books about to hit the shelves Developing C# Apps for iPhone and iPad using MonoTouch: iOS Apps Development for .NET Developers: an incredibly in-depth book from Brian Costanich that I have had the privilege to read in advance. This book will come out in only 3 weeks.

If you are more of a hands-on kind of guy, later in the year, Mike Bluestein's Learning MonoTouch: A Hands-On Guide to Building iPhone and iPad Applications with C# and .NET is coming out.

Next Steps

We are currently hard at work to add support to MonoDevelop to work with the new XCode 4.

With XCode 4, Apple removed Interface Builder as a standalone tool. We should have a beta in a couple of weeks of the solution we came up with.

Posted on 06 Apr 2011 by Miguel de Icaza

MonoMac 1.0 is out

Almost a year ago we started building a set of Mono bindings for building native MacOS X applications.

Our original goals were modest: bind enough of AppKit that you could build native desktop applications for OSX using C# or your favorite .NET language. We leveraged a lot of the code that we built for MonoTouch our binding to the CocoaTouch APIs.

During the year, the project picked up steam, we got plenty of contributions to MonoMac and grew beyond the original conservative goals.

In a year we:

  • Created a beautiful library that blends the worlds of C# and MacOS X APIs.
  • Created a MonoDevelop add-in that helps developers get started with Mac development in minutes.
  • Integrated the MonoDoc system into MonoDevelop, to provide developers with documentation on the flight as they type their code. Detailed method information, parameter use and type information is available as you type your code in unobtrusive windows.
  • Created a packager that turns your programs into self-contained OSX Packages with no external dependencies on Mono and can be deployed to the Apple App Store.
  • Created a linker that lets you strip out any functionality your application might not need to reduce your executable size.
  • Created a great community of developers that love C#, .NET and MacOS. For some of us, this is a step closer to heaven.
  • Created a big pool of samples for developers to learn from, and for us to exercise the API and ensure that the resulting library was a delight to use.
  • Created various tutorials on how to build applications with C# on the Mac.
  • Built an online documentation mash-up between our API and Apple's web documentation

Some statistics about the MonoMac binding:

  • 1,155 C# classes and 31 C# structures
  • 376 enumerations
  • 123 C# delegate data types
  • 16,556 methods, properties and events exposed

In addition to that, MonoMac bundles a modified version of the amazing OpenTK 1.0. We took the liberty (and by "we" I mean, the amazing Kenneth Pouncey) of fine-tuning the implementation for MonoMac use.

Getting MonoMac 1.0

If you already have MonoDevelop installed, just update your MonoMac Add-In. If you do not have MonoDevelop installed, follow our friendly instructions.


MonoMac would not have been possible without the help of our great contributors, this is the team:

Main bindings:

  • Geoff Norton
  • Miguel de Icaza
  • Jonathan Pryor
  • Michael Hutchinson


  • Alexander Shulgin (WebKit DOM)
  • James Clancey (AppKit contributions)
  • Kenneth Pouncey (API, samples)
  • Maxi Combina (WebKit events, sample)
  • Regan Sarwas (PdfKit, ImageKit, NSColor, NSGradient, NSBezierPath, samples)
  • Ashok Gelal (CoreWlan)

Next Steps

What is great about doing a 1.0 release is that you know that there will be a 1.1 release, and a 1.2 release and a 2.0 release.

This is our way of saying "thank you for waiting" and giving our users a chance to start building applications, knowing that we have battle tested MonoMac and it is being used in our own products now [1].

We obviously will continue improving the API, adding more frameworks as time goes by, but we will also be working with other communities to expand MonoDevelop's language support, create more templates for languages like F#, IronRuby, IronPython and UnityScript.

Although we have a great start for documentation, we hope that contributors will take advantage of a new web-based wiki and collaboration tool that we are building to improve the docs and help us make MonoMac's documentation the best.

Hopefully, we will also get more samples contributed to MonoMac and we will see a new wave of tutorials and we will see fascinating discussions on how to build better software while enjoying every second of it.

[1] (MonoDevelop 2.6 will be using MonoMac for its native dialog boxes).

Posted on 17 Mar 2011 by Miguel de Icaza

MonoMac hotfix

Hylke Bons warned us of a limitation in our MonoMac packager so we are issuing a new MonoMac refresh that fixes various bugs:

  • Supports using Mono.Posix.dll in packaged bundles.
  • Supports using System.Drawing in packaged bundles.
  • Fixes various BCL P/Invokes problems (we forgot to ship the config file :-)
  • No longer requires Mono 2.8.1, works with any mono 2.8+

Follow the standard instructions to update your MonoMac add-in.

Hylke then got his native Mac client for SparkleShare (a DropBox-like system, but backed up by Git or any Git hosting sit) working as a bundle on OSX.

Posted on 06 Feb 2011 by Miguel de Icaza

MonoMac Refresh!

We just pushed a new refresh of MonoMac. This release contains:

  • New complete bindings: QuartzComposer, CoreWlan, PdfKit, ImageKit and Addresbook.
  • AppKit: new classes: NSBezierPath, NSGradient; convenience methods for NSColor, NSTableView, NSMenuItem, and NSPasteboard.
  • CoreImage's CIVector and support in AppKit for CoreImage.
  • WebKit indexers and support for reporting user decisions.

In our shared core with MOnoTouch, these are the changes:

  • CoreGraphics: Support for transparency layers.
  • Foundation: API helpers to make NSIndexSet more pleasant to use; new methods to control the NSRunLoop; NSUrlProtocol and NSUrlProtocolClient classes.
  • ObjCRuntime: Exposed the shared library loading code and convenience methods to pull constants from shared libraries.
  • KeyChain: expose new methods for common operations (managing internet passwords)
  • CoreAnimation: bound a few missing constants.
  • OpenGL: new CAOpenGLLayer type.

Many new samples are now included with MonoTouch. Kenneth has contributed various ported samples from the CoreAnimation book exercising the API, fixing it, and providing many samples for developers to get started. We now ship 32 samples covering a wide range of Mac APIs.

Contributors to this release include: Geoff Norton, Alexander Shulgin, James Clancey, Maxi Combina, Regan Sarwas, Michael Hutchinson, Ashok Gelal and Miguel de Icaza.

Additionally, the first MonoMac app has hit the Mac AppStore!

Some small stats: MonoMac 0.4 was installed by 263 developers, MonoMac 0.5 by 369 developers, and MonoMac 0.6 (our last release) by 588.

Posted on 02 Feb 2011 by Miguel de Icaza

First MonoMac App Hits the Apple AppStore

Yvan Janssens (@yvanjanssens) just wrote to let me know that iProxify Plush, his MonoMac-powered application, has been accepted for distribution on Apple's Mac AppStore.

This is an important development in the history of MonoMac, as someone has actually published a full executable based on the tools that we built (we have not tested this ourselves as we did not really have anything to publish).

It also means that we got all the details right to let people use C# to publish to the Mac AppStore: we do not take external dependencies, we bundle all of the Mono dependencies with the app and we follow all the relevant Apple rules for distribution.

Congratulations to Yvan for his published app!

Posted on 31 Jan 2011 by Miguel de Icaza

Patterns for Creating UITableViewCells

At one point or another, every UITableView programmer will outgrow the default set of UITableViewCells styles available to them, and they will be forced to customize the cells to provide a better user experience.

The initial temptation of every lazy programmer like myself is to do the bare minimum amount of work to obtain the desired effect. This path typically starts by realizing that you can add a subview to your cell, like this:

static UIImage logo = UIImage.FromFile ("logo.png");
UITableViewCell CreateCell ()
	var cell = new UITableViewCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, "key");
	var imageView = new UIImageView (logo) {
		Frame = new RectangleF (10, 10, 20, 20);
	cell.ContentView.Add (imageView);
	return cell;

Although the above code works, and you can get away with it for simple tasks, it does not take into consideration cell reuse. UITableViews like to recycle cells on the screen which is fine as long as you do not need to use a different image on each cell, as all of a sudden, you will need to keep track of the imageView value.

In other cases, your GetCell method will get bloated with a lot of inside information about all possible customizations that you might have done in a previous instance, and you will have to undo those. Apple's UICatalog sample is packed with code like that, and so is my port of the same code.

And that is just not a decent way of living.

You are miserable, your users are miserable and everyone around you is miserable.

My preferred pattern, which has worked better for me is to create a derived cell class that tracks all of my properties, and centralizes the management of updating the properties of my cell.

Assuming that my cell will render the contents of an object called "MyData", this is what my pattern looks like for custom UITableViewCells:

// I create a view that renders my data, as this allows me to reuse
// the data rendering outside of a UITableViewCell context as well
public class MyDataView : UIView {
	MyData myData;

	public MyDataView (MyData myData)
		Update (myData);

	// Public method, that allows the code to externally update
	// what we are rendering.   
	public void Update (MyData myData)
		this.myData = myData;
		SetNeedsDisplay ();

// This is the actual UITableViewCell class
public class MyDataCell : UITableViewCell {
	MyDataView myDataView;

	public MyDataCell (MyData myData, NSString identKey) : base (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, identKey)
		// Configure your cell here: selection style, colors, properties
		myDataView = new MyDataView (myData);
		ContentView.Add (myDataView);

	public override void LayoutSubviews ()
		base.LayoutSubviews ();
		myDataView.Frame = ContentView.Bounds;
		myDataView.SetNeedsDisplay ();

	// Called by our client code when we get new data.
	public void UpdateCell (MyData newData)
		myDataView.Update (newData);

With the above pattern implemented, I can now add all of my view specific gadgetry into the MyDataView class, images, helper labels, or other views.

Then, the Update method needs to make sure that all of those extra views are updated when this method is invoked. All of the configuration for your cell needs to take place in this method, and nowhere else.

The client code that uses these views then looks like this:

class MyTableViewDataSource : UITableViewDataSource {
	public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
		MyData myData = Lookup (indexPath);

		var cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell (key);
		if (cell == null)
			cell = new MyDataCell (myData);
			cell.UpdateCell (myData);
		return cell;

The Extra UIView

You might be thinking that creating the extra UIView is not really worth the effort, as you likely only need to apply a few customizations, and you got already most of your bang for the buck by creating your custom UITableViewCell.

You would be right.

The reason for creating a custom UIView, is that there might come a time when you want to do some custom drawing in your cell. Perhaps add a nice gradient on the background, or perhaps draw some shadows, or mix large fonts with small fonts.

It might be just a couple of small touch-ups, nothing too complicated, but just a little extra polish. By using a custom UIView, you can now spice up your view just a tiny bit, by overriding the Draw method:

public override void Draw (RectangleF rect)
	var context = UIGraphics.GetCurrentContext ();
	UIColor.White.SetColor ();
	context.FillRect (Bounds);
	context.DrawLinearGradient (myGradient, start, end, 0);

Creating a MonoTouch.Dialog Element

If you are like me, lazy, you would likely not be writing a lot of GetCell methods and large dispatch tables for your UITableViews, and instead you are using MonoTouch.Dialog.

MonoTouch.Dialog is an API that takes away the administrivia out of building UITableViews and lets you focus on the content. I discussed MonoTouch.Dialog last year on my old blog.

Once you have your own UITableViewCell, it is trivial to turn that into a MonoTouch.Dialog Element. You would do it like this:

public class MyDataElement : Element {
	static NSString key = new NSString ("myDataElement");
	public MyData MyData;

	public MyDataElement (MyData myData) : base (null)
		MyData = myData;

	public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tv)
		var cell = tv.DequeueReusableCell (key) as MyDataCell;
		if (cell == null)
			cell = new MyDataCell (MyData, key);
			cell.UpdateCell (MyData);
		return cell;

With the code above, you have everything you need to make your custom cell to be used with MonoTouch.Dialog.

You can see the entire pattern in action in TweetStation's source code. The 300 or so lines of code in that file are responsible for rendering a tweet in TweetStation.

Posted on 18 Jan 2011 by Miguel de Icaza

Mono Packager and the Apple AppStore

We are happy to announce the Mono Packager for OSX.

MonoDevelop UI for Mac Packages and Installers.

The Mono Packager for OSX makes it possible to create self-contained Mono applications that will run on OSX without requiring the Mono.framework to be previously installed on the system. In combination with the MonoMac project you can build fully native MacOS X applications using your favorite .NET technologies. From your choice of Mono/.NET languages, to your choice of Mono/.NET library.

The packager can create both signed applications for distribution on the Mac AppStore, as well as creating installers for your software.

Mono on the Mac: Some Background

Mono on OSX has historically been distributed as an image that installed itself in /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework. Once Mono was installed, users could write code in C# or their favorite .NET/Mono language and run the resulting executable.

The problem is that Mono.framework contains an entire development stack: compilers, GUI tools, command line tools, libraries, documentation which is convenient for developers, but most of the time, not very useful for end-users.

This meant that developers would typically ask users to first install the Mono.framework (a big download) and then they could install their applications.

To work around that problem, some developers have chosen to manually embed Mono in their applications. This has always been possible, but it was error-prone as developers would have to manually assemble Mono into their application bundle, configure Mono properly, and initialize the Mono runtime themselves. Doable, but not pleasant.

With today's release, we have taken the burden of creating self-contained Mono applications out of developer's hands and added it as a standard feature for developers to use.

The Mac AppStore

The Mac AppStore requires that applications submitted to it are completely self-contained and they do not depend on third-party frameworks to be installed on the system. It also requires that your application and installer be signed.

Both of those features are supported in our MonoMac Packager. Developers can now create Mac AppStore ready applications using MonoDevelop and MonoMac. We have integrated the package creation, installer creation, and signing processes into our MonoDevelop IDE.

All that developers have to do is sign up for Apple's Mac developer program, get their distribution certificates, build a fabulous application and upload the application using the Application Loader to Apple.com.

Upcoming: Linking

In this version of the Mac bundler, we include all of the dependencies that your program takes. For example, if you use the System.Xml library, the entire System.Xml library will be bundled with the application.

In our next release, we will add support for Mono's linker, the same technology we used in MonoTouch to reduce the executable size.

When you choose to use use the linker, the granularity of distribute changes from the library-level to the type level. For example, if you only use one type from System.Xml, the linker will strip out all of the unused classes and generate a new System.Xml library that only contains the one type that you used.

We did not want to wait for the linker to be ready before shipping our packager, but we should have it ready soon.

MonoMac Refresh

As part of this release we have also issued a refresh to the MonoMac library and templates.

From now on, MonoMac binaries will default to be 4.0 profile, allowing users to leverage all of the new features in the C# 4.0 language (like dynamic) as well as the new .NET 4.0 APIs that we introduced with Mono 2.8.

The updates to the MonoMac API are described in my other blog post.

Posted on 10 Jan 2011 by Miguel de Icaza

New MonoMac Refresh!

As part of today's release of the Mono Packager for OSX we have issued a new MonoMac refresh.

As we create more sample code, and start to write real applications with MonoMac, we have updated the API to be simpler, cleaner and more comprehensive. This release is all about small incremental improvements to the MonoMac API.

As usual, we have updated the our MonoMac API documentation MonoMac API documentation. If you are thinking about getting started with MonoMac, we strongly recommend you read our MonoMac page for some useful links and tutorials.


MonoMac 0.4 was installed by 263 developers, MonoMac 0.5 by 369 developers. Interesting considering that the holidays are a slow season:


Frank Krueger the creator of iCircuit a real-time circuit emulator and editor for the iPad/iPhone has started a port of iCircuit to MacOS X using MonoMac:

Pretty amazing, considering that Frank only learned to use MonoMac yesterday (although he does have extensive MonoTouch experience). Update: He posted and updated screenshot "now in technicolor".

MacDoc Sample

During the holidays, I wrote MacDoc a native front-end for the MonoDoc documentation engine. I also took Jonathan Pobst's fabulous style sheets from Kipunji to spice up the UI a little bit.

This is the result:

I still have to integrate the index and search features of MonoDoc into the UI, and I am struggling as to how to surface them in the UI.

The Index is supposed to have an alphabetical listing of classes, method, properties, fields, similar to the index at the end of a book. I always found this to be very useful when developing with .NET. The search functionality on the other hand uses Lucene to search in the documentation body.

At this point, I believe that I should add a tabbed widgets, and let the user pick between the tree view on the left and the index (with a new text-entry to do the incremental search). But if the users uses the search on the toolbar, I should replace the tree and the index with a list of results.

Does the above make sense, or you think it is a terrible UI idea and completely unacceptable for OSX users?

I thought about merging the index and the body search, but it would render the index search a bit useless. Anyways, if you are a Mac expert, please send feedback my way.

Posted on 10 Jan 2011 by Miguel de Icaza
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